Sunday, January 27, 2013

RETREAT 25-27 January 2013

Hello, i got back from retreat at school yesterday!
i've got so many fun and amazing experiences. pembimbingnya dari rumah retreat la verna di lampung :D ada Romo Lilo (Romli), Sr.Claudia, Om Wisnu sama Om Pupuk!
Jam 2 siang kita udah ngumpul di sekolah, terus nunggu yang lain dateng, terus sekitar jam 2 lebih gitu, kita kumpul di aula, di aula kita dibagi kelompok dan teman sekamar. Sayangnya ada 6 teman yang gak ikut retreat karna harus test di vanlith, yaitu damai  kris uthe daniel bertho dan bram. Aku kelompok 2 sama Ignasz (leader), Lional, Vania, Igeta, Merlin, Stanly and me.
Group 1: Ajeng Ine Janet Hana David Ginta Dedy Owen
Group 2: Me Ignasz Lional Vania Igeta Merlin Stanly
Group 3: Lia Ino Markus Baba Tasya Regina Steven
Group 4: Deka Jessica Sasa Judith Chika Stanly Noven

Kamarku dikelas 7B, sama chika judith lia ine tasya regina jessica :D
Terus kita diberi waktu untuk beres-beresin tempat tidur, nyusun tempat tidur, abis itu kita makan snack, baru masuk ke sesi I, yaitu "who am i". terus makan malam, baru ke aula buat main2, mainannya ada opposite order, terus mempertahankan sebuah kertas yang dianggap sebagai persatuan, terus ada main gatau itu apa namanya :P hehehe. terus sampe malam, baru doa malam, terus beres-beres baru tidur deh.

Hari ke duanya, kita bangun jam 5 terus senam sama meditasi sampe ja, 6.30 atau jam 6 gituuu. terus mandi baru sarapan pagi, terus mulai masuk ke sesi II, tentang godaan, terus di hari kedua ini aktivitasnya ada sesi II sama sesi III tentang apa gitu deh. lupa. terus kita outbond permainannya seru pake banget deh. kunci dri semuanya itu kerjasama! kl buat kesalahan dicoreng pake tanah mukanya. hahaha. selesai main outbond kita makan siang, jdi ada satu piring besar banget, isinya  nasi, lele, sayur, sambel, kita makan bareng2 satu kelompok pake tangan makan di satu piring itu. habis itu kita mandi, terus masuk ke ruang doa untuk kegiatan mengekspresikan diri, jdi kita smua ditutup matanya, kita dikasih alunan musik dan kita boleh gerak sepuasnya, mau nari juga boleh. terus kita disuruh tiduran bentar, sampe skitar jam stgh 7 baru makan malam, masuk ruang pertemuan, lalu dibahas tentang pertobatan, disuruh nulis dosa-dosa, terus ke ruang doa untuk rekonsiliasi, we cried, everyone cried. dibahas tentang sekolah, teman, orangtua, guru. sampe jam stgh 12 rekonsiliasi lalu ibadat lilin, membakar dosa-dosa. Lalu tidur.

Di Hari ketiga, kita bangun jam 6, mandi, sarapan, lalu ke sesi IV tentang seksualitas dan cinta. Lalu, makan siang, terus beres-beres, buat lagu, baru ekaristi.

Selama 3 hari kita nyanyi, loncat-loncat, seneng-seneng. Pengalamannya berharga banget. Banyak nilai-nilai yang benar bisa diambil. Berkesan banget.

5 kiat=
1. Ketakutan membunuh kecerdasan
2. Aku adalah tuan atas diriku
3. Berfikir sebelum bertindak
4. Ciptakan emas dalam setiap peluang
5. Dari yang terbatas menjadi tak terbatas


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Just a fool.

Another shot of whiskey please bartender
Keep it coming til I don't remember at all
How bad it hurts when you're gone (na na na)

Turn the music up a little bit louder
Just gotta get past the midnight hour (uh huh)
Maybe tomorrow it won't
Who am I kidding
I know what I'm missing

I had my heart set on you
But nothing else hurts like you do
Who knew that love was so cruel
(Yeah yeah yeah)
And I
Waited and waited so long
For someone who'll never come home
It's my fault to think you'll be true (yeah yeah)
I'm just a fool

[Blake Shelton]
I said that I don't care
I'd walk away whatever
And I tell myself we were bad together (uh huh)
But that's just me trying to move on without you

But who am I kidding
I know what I'm missing

I had my heart set on you
But nothing else hurts like you do
Who knew that love was so cruel
(Yeah yeah yeah)
And I
Waited and waited so long
For someone who'll never come home
It's my fault to think you'll be true (yeah yeah)
I'm just a fool

For holding on to something that
Is never ever gonna come back
I can't accept that it's lost

I should have let it go
Held my tongue
Kept my big mouth shut
'Cause now everything is just so wrong, wrong, wrong

I'm just a fool
A fool for you
I'm just a fool

I had my heart set on you
And nothing else hurts like you do
Who knew that love was so cruel
(Yeah yeah yeah)
And I
Waited and waited so long
For someone who'll never come home
It's my fault to think you'll be true (yeah yeah)
I'm just a fool
I'm just a fool
I'm just a fool

It's my fault to think you'll be true
(Yeah yeah yeah)
I'm just a fool

Friday, January 11, 2013


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello! just got back from holidays! I went to Semarang on 27 December 2012 until 3 January 2013, well, met my cousins there and i'm so happy, like finally i met them! and then went to Jakarta on 3 January 2013 until today, 6 January 2013 and i met my family there too!
Okay..... well, i know its too late to say this, but whatever.... HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! wish you all the best in 2013, and thankyou for everything. Forgive my mistakes in 2012 okay?
"Dear 2012, thanks for everything, the good and the bad, happy and sad, smile and cry, laugh and tears, and pains. You gave me lessons from those pains. Thankyou :) and goodbye 2012 "
"Dear 2013, please be better, please please please be awesome! HELLO 2013! WELCOME "

time flies so fast huh? it's 2013 already and i still can't believe it!

 will post the pictures (holiday) soon :p